Landing Intl.

Mobile App



Beauty is a mobile white-label app that runs on the beauty product platforms to facilitate the communication between a customer and a sales person.

The app consists on being an e-commerce solution to show the products of respective brands within a store like JCPenny and Sephora in the U.S.

The client was creating an app that facilitates training for beauty product retailers. They already launched a web app version but are building the mobile app from scratch. They had some general direction and were looking for the 1st designer to be involved in the project, along with their PM and development team. The app should have a database of beauty products, training courses, a sense of community, and a gamification/rewards system.

With the help of Lucy Mui, the Jr. Designer I helped hire, I spent most of time leading the design and Lucy helping putting together lots of screens for our visual explorations.

They were looking for an experienced mobile app product designer to join their team and help with all the steps of product design, from abstract concepts and design directions to wireframes and prototyping. The app is B2B, but they use a B2C visual to reflect the beauty industry.

During the project period, I helped the team hire their in-house jr designer, a former student of mine, and the mentor her to become an intermediate designer.
Also, was overseeing research, product roadmap, UX strategy, and product strategy directly with the PMs and VP of Product.

• User journeys and sitemaps
• Wireframes and prototypes
• Leadership
• Visual Design
• Responsive Design
• Discovery
• Prototype